Music to your ears:The Monster Needs Friends
It was the year 1999 when Ornatos Violeta released their second and"ultimate"album, O Monstro needing Friends . Perhaps some of you were not yet born but for the guys 'on this side', young beardless in the middle of adolescence, the new songs of the mythical northern band served as real food for cigarette nights, philosophical conversations and many other existential daydreams.
“O Monstro” marked an entire generation and the truth is that it continues to gain followers, no matter how long it passes. It is not for less:considered, by Blitz , as the third best album of the last 30 years, it reached Platinum in 2010 and its songs continue (and promise to continue) in the imagination of thousands of Portuguese.
Bad Day , I Heard You Say , Captain Romance or Never to Lie Again are some of the songs that came out of the disc and recorded (it will not be an exaggeration to say that forever) in the memory of many of us, surrendered to the magical powers of the lyricist and vocalist Manel Cruz , whose A true “gift to illustrate our stories, our loves, our losses” leaves no one indifferent.
This year, The Monster Needs Friends celebrates the 20th anniversary (yes, vi-gé-si-mo) of its release and we couldn't find a better excuse (as if excuses were needed to revisit happy 'places') to remember their songs .