Stupidly Random:Long Haul
I met Rosa Mota in high school and it was a moment of great significance for me, because Rosa Mota was a human who ran to fights. Bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 1984 and Gold at the Olympic Games in Seoul 1988, this lady ran the Marathon in 2 hours 23 minutes and 29 seconds and was there, beside me.

This way we get to the whole Ironman that goes through taking a vacation day to walk playing sports. 3.8 kilometers of swimming, 180 kilometers of cycling and just like that nail in the bread that you eat after a shellfish, a marathon.
Following this can only come silly. Ultraman , 10 kilometers swimming, 421 kilometers by bicycle and 84 running. Whoever runs this has to take 3 days of vacation just to participate.
But what about Ultraman , what will exist? We know of the existence of the MONTANE® Yukon Arctic Ultra - it takes place in Canada, 700 kilometers of trial with an elevation gain of 6 kilometers in temperatures between -12ºC to -25ºC. After that I think that there are only races inspired by the Forrest Gump film in which Malta takes a year to run a continent or a scene like this, super indie, but we will stop here that the creative juice is over. Next Friday we will examine another theme in this space where we guarantee a superior quality in terms of themes and unpredictability.